Maya 107: Polygon Cube, Bevel and Multi Cut, Edge Loop and Extract
Using Maya 2016
1) Preparation
Run Maya.
Create a New Project.
Create a New Scene.
Turn off Interactive Creation for Polygon Primitives.
2) Create Polygon Cube
3) Set Transform Parameters
Translate Y=6
Scale X=10
Scale Y=10
Scale Z=10
Press 5 to get a Shaded Display view.
The box is 1 unit “floating” above the space origin.
4) Create Bevel Top
Right-Click the object, in the Marking Menu select Edge.
Press SHIFT key while selecting the top edges.
Select menu Edit Mesh/Bevel.
(Press 4 to get Wireframe view).
5) Insert Edge Loop To The Box
Add a total of three Edge Loops.
5) Resize the middle edges
Select the middle edges.
Resize the edge shape by moving the yellow box inward.
5) Cut the bottom of the Box
Select menu MeshTools/Show Modeling Toolkit
Select Multi-Cut Tool.
If you scroll further down, you will see the list of key + mouse click combination.
While holding SHIFT Key, Left-Mouse-Click the edge that is facing you. Nodes will appear and click one of them, eg 90%.
Use ALT+Left-Mouse-Click to turn to the opposite site of the Box.
While holding SHIFT Key, Left-Mouse-Click the edge that is facing you. Nodes will appear and click one of them, eg 90%.
Press ENTER to make the cut permanent.
Repeat the steps to get the following cuts.
6) Extrude parts of the Faces.
Select the Box and perform Right-Click to get the Marking Menu. Select Face.
While holding SHIFT Key, select face the parts below.
Click the Extrude Face button in Modeling Toolkit panel.
In the Dialog for polyExtrudeFace1 enter Thickness value as 1.
Press 5 to get Shaded Display view.
6) Extract the Box Cover
Switch to Front View.
Press 4 to switch to Wireframe mode.
Right-Mouse-Click and select Edge.
Select the edges as shown below.
The Box Cover is extracted from the original object.
If you use Object Mode Selection, you will see two objects now.
7) Apply Material
Assign Lambert with Red Color to the top part.
Assign Blinn with Black Color to the bottom part.
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