Monday, September 5, 2016

What Is LokiJS?

LokiJS is a document oriented database written in javascript, published under MIT License. Its purpose is to store javascript objects as documents in a nosql fashion and retrieve them with a similar mechanism. Runs in node (including cordova/phonegap and node-webkit), nativescript and the browser. LokiJS is ideal for the following scenarios:
  1. client-side in-memory db is ideal (e.g., a session store)
  2. performance critical applications
  3. cordova/phonegap mobile apps where you can leverage the power of javascript and avoid interacting with native databases
  4. data sets loaded into a browser page and synchronised at the end of the work session
  5. node-webkit desktop apps
  6. nativescript mobile apps that mix the power and ubiquity of javascript with native performance and ui
LokiJS supports indexing and views and achieves high-performance through maintaining unique and binary indexes (indices) for data.


The following demos are available:
  • Sandbox / Playground
  • a node-webkit small demo in the folder demos/desktop_app. You can launch it by running `/path/to/nw demos/desktop_app/'


Example usage can be found on the wiki

Main Features

  1. Fast performance NoSQL in-memory database, collections with unique index (1.1M ops/s) and binary-index (500k ops/s)
  2. Runs in multiple environments (browser, node, nativescript)
  3. Dynamic Views for fast access of data subsets
  4. Built-in persistence adapters, and the ability to support user-defined ones
  5. Changes API
  6. Joins

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