Saturday, October 29, 2016

How To Install Eclipse Che


All-In-One Installer

Eclipse Che comes with an all-in-one installer. If you choose this way to install Che you do not need to install any other software since the installer has all pre-reqs packaged and will install them before installing Che.

Starting Eclipse Che

Navigate into the bin folder of your Che installation and execute the che.batfile. Che will automatically launch a Docker container, and after its start-up you can connect to Che via http://localhost:8080 using a web browser. You’ll find yourself on the dashboard of Eclipse Che.

The Dashboard

Dashboard of Eclipse Che
Dashboard of Eclipse Che
The dashboard gives you quick access to recent workspaces and projects. You can create a new project by either clicking the blue New Project button (See: 1) or theplus (See: 3) in the upper right corner. By clicking the arrow (See: 2) you can create a new workspace. Using the workspaces or projectsnavigation item you’ll get into a dedicated list view.
Let’s create a new project!

Creating a project

Eclipse Che comes with a wizard to create projects and workspaces. In the project creation wizard, you can either create a workspace or select an existing one.
Project creation wizard of Eclipse Che
Project creation wizard of Eclipse Che

Select Source

You can either create a new blank project (See: 1) or import an existing one from external sources like a git repository, Github or a simple .zip-archive (See: 2). In our tutorial we are going to create a blank project.

Select Stack

A stack is just a pile of technologies which will be installed to your machine so you don’t need to install stuff manually. Eclipse Che comes with predefined stacks for Java, NodeJS, PHP, ASP.NET and even a blank stack (See: 3). In the Stack Library (See: 4) you can select more like vanilla systems like a blank Ubuntu or Debian. You are also able to create a new custom stack (See: 5) where you can write a Docker image file which will be used as a machine.

Configure Workspace

You can configure your workspace by giving it a name and setting the amount of RAM is takes at least (See: 6). Remember that a workspace can hold many machines and therefore might take a lot of RAM.

Select Template

Che comes with some Ready-to-run projects which include a hello wold (See: 7). You could either select one of these or create a Wizard-driven project. For our example we are going to create the console-java-simple project which is an easy hello world.

Project Metadata

The project metadata includes the name and a description of the new project (See: 8).

Create It!

By clicking the big blue Create Project button (See: 9) Eclipse Che will create the workspace and the project for you. You will be forwarded to the Construction screen where you can see the process of the workspace and project creation.
Construction Screen of Eclipse Che
Construction Screen of Eclipse Che
Creating and starting the workspace might take a little while, so be patient. When everything is done you are able to access the IDE and start developing.

Extracted from:

Ionic Todo List Examples

1. Ionic Multiple Project Lists

2. Ionic Multiple Project Lists with Delete List

3. Ionic Todo List With Done Marker

4. Ionic Todo List With Edit and Delete

5. Ionic Todo List With Approve and Decline

6. Ionic Todo List With Epoch/UNIX Time

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Maya 107: Polygon Cube, Bevel and Multi Cut, Edge Loop and Extract

Maya 107: Polygon Cube, Bevel and Multi Cut, Edge Loop and Extract
Using Maya 2016

1) Preparation

Run Maya.
Create a New Project.
Create a New Scene.
Turn off Interactive Creation for Polygon Primitives.

2) Create Polygon Cube

3) Set Transform Parameters

Translate Y=6
Scale X=10
Scale Y=10
Scale Z=10
Press 5 to get a Shaded Display view.
The box is 1 unit “floating” above the space origin.

4) Create Bevel Top

Right-Click the object, in the Marking Menu select Edge.
Press SHIFT key while selecting the top edges.
Select menu Edit Mesh/Bevel.
(Press 4 to get Wireframe view).

5) Insert Edge Loop To The Box

Add a total of three Edge Loops.

5) Resize the middle edges

Select the middle edges.
Resize the edge shape by moving the yellow box inward.

5) Cut the bottom of the Box

Select menu MeshTools/Show Modeling Toolkit
Select Multi-Cut Tool.
If you scroll further down, you will see the list of key + mouse click combination.
While holding SHIFT Key, Left-Mouse-Click the edge that is facing you. Nodes will appear and click one of them, eg 90%.
Use ALT+Left-Mouse-Click to turn to the opposite site of the Box.
While holding SHIFT Key, Left-Mouse-Click the edge that is facing you. Nodes will appear and click one of them, eg 90%.
Press ENTER to make the cut permanent.
Repeat the steps to get the following cuts.

6) Extrude parts of the Faces.

Select the Box and perform Right-Click to get the Marking Menu. Select Face.
While holding SHIFT Key, select face the parts below.
Click the Extrude Face button in Modeling Toolkit panel.
In the Dialog for polyExtrudeFace1 enter Thickness value as 1.
Press 5 to get Shaded Display view.

6) Extract the Box Cover

Switch to Front View.
Press 4 to switch to Wireframe mode.
Right-Mouse-Click and select Edge.
Select the edges as shown below.
The Box Cover is extracted from the original object.
If you use Object Mode Selection, you will see two objects now.

7) Apply Material

Assign Lambert with Red Color to the top part.
Assign Blinn with Black Color to the bottom part.


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Maya 103: Views, Display and Navigation

Maya 103: Views, Display and Navigation
Using Maya 2016

1) Switching Views

At the moment, we are viewing the objects through the persp panel (perspective panel).
Switching views is done through the following steps:
1 - Press Spacebar to Switch to Four-panel Layout (make sure that your mouse is within the panel area)
2 - Move the mouse into persp panel and press Spacebar to Switch back to Single-panel Layout

2) Switching Display Types

At the moment it is possible to view objects in Wireframe or Shaded Display mode.
Press 4 to view objects in Wireframe mode.
Press 5 to view objects in Shaded Display mode.
There are two more modes (6=Shaded Display with Texture Maps and 7=Lights options). They may be useful at later stage.
For example, pressing 7 will give you shadowed objects because it requires a proper light set up in order to invoke this mode.

3) Navigating The Space

We can navigate in the space through the combinations of Keys and Mouse Clicks

Mouse Click and Drag
Left Mouse Button (LMB)
Right Mouse Button (RMB)
Dolly (Move In, Move Out)
Middle Mouse Button (MMB)
Tracking (Move Left, Right, Up Down)

Maya 102: Create Polygon Primitive

Maya 102: Create Polygon Primitive
Using Maya 2016
Primitives are pre-made geometry sets, usually in simple shapes: spheres, cubes, cylinders, planes, cones, and toruses.

1) Start

Continue from previous tutorial or create a new project, e.g. Solar System.

2) Uncheck Interactive Creation

Interactive creation method allows you to draw on the canvas as you create your geometry.
We do not need this method for this tutorial.

3) Create Sphere

Select Menu Create/Polygon Primitives/Sphere.
A Sphere is created at the origin of the space.

4) Rename Object

Refer the Channel Box Panel at the right side of window.
By default, the object is given a name pSphere1.
Rename the object as Sun.

5) Change Object Scale

Enter 4 for each Scale X, Y and Z.
The Sub Object grows bigger in the space.
Alternative Method To Scale
  1. Click the Scale Button and Drag the yellow manipulator at the center of the object.
  2. Type R and Drag the yellow control button at the center of the object.

6) Create another Sphere

Repeat Step 3. (Select Menu Create/Polygon Primitives/Sphere)
Rename the object as Planet.
Set Translate X value as 8.
You will have two primitive polygons (spheres) in the space.

7) Manipulation Tools

Click the buttons or their respective Short Cut Keys to activate their functions.
